Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017


                Winslow love chasing ball.

                       Tasha is such a pretty girl.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


I love taking photos of flowers especially when the bee's arrive.

Sunday, August 6, 2017


These flowers are in buckets in the front of our house. Not sure what kind of flowers they are but are fun to photograph. 
August has slipped in under the radar or at least it seems that way.  It is already the 7th day of August. What have I done this summer, moved to a new house, which was a lot of work and we still have a few things to fix like a bathroom. WE have already replaced the carpet, bought a new washer and dryer and put in a doggie-door, but otherwise I am loving the house.
I have a new zoom lens for my camera so that I will be able to take pictures of the eclipse. We are looking forward to having family come and visit while we watch the eclipse. August 21 A once in a life-time event.. The above photos were taken with the new lens. I am love learning to use it.

Winslow and Tasha are loving being able to go in and out of the doggie-door on their own and so are we

  Atlie at Kim and TC ranch petting the new colt.