Sunday, December 27, 2020


Lots of laughs, lots of awesome food, great crab legs, delicious steak, wonderful side dishes,
opening gifts, watching "Christmas Vacation" playing short round of Phase 10 - "Such Fun". Wonderful day celebrating the birth of Christ. Thank you God for your Son!

 What a hoot, everyone recieved a pair of homemade socks. 


Christmas dinner at grandson/granddaughter's home. "Such fun" lots of laughs and crab legs and steak with lots of side dishes. Openning gifts and watching Christmas Vacation. Really good day to celebrate our Saviors birth. Thank you God for your Son.

Cinnamon roll for breakfast and Tasha with her Christmas Tie

Christmas Eve Surprise for T

Early Christmas Eve Morning     Surprise for T new builting owner! Christmas Eve Dinner

Deer lite up in neighbors yard.

  Mother Daughter - short road trip to Fort Collins, Colorado.Had hair cut, shopped and went to a winery in Loveland. Was the most beautiful day, warm and no wind. We actually sat outside. Super fun, relaxing day just before Christmas.

Monday, December 21, 2020

 It is way past October 30th it is now December 21 2020. I missed the Christmas Stars but read up on it. Very interesting.

THE CHRISTMAS STAR appearing this year on December 21st is making news. It's amazing that this occurrence is also happening in the year 2020.
IN THE YEAR when Jesus was born, there was violence, chaos, political and social unrest. It was dark.
THE MAGI FOUND HIM by way of the star, which was the "meeting" of 3 stars: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. They followed the star until it rested on where he was and they began to worship him. In a time where it was dark, Light was brought in to our world. Jesus stepped in to the chaos and brought peace.
FAST FORWARD to 2020. It's a time of violence, chaos, political and social unrest. It is dark. Winter Solstice, December 21st, is the shortest day and longest's literally the "darkest day" and is the beginning of what most would say the cold, dark winter season.
BUT ON the darkest day this year, Jupiter and Saturn meet, giving us the Christmas Star! How fitting...that in the moment of time during the Christmas season that we get to see this beautiful reminder...that even in the darkest of times...Light will, and has, stepped in. In our chaos He is there. In our darkest time, He is there. He brings Light, and makes all things new.
SO AS YOU LOOK out on Dec 21st for the Christmas Star, may we be reminded of His power, and His Light that he brings for all mankind. He is perfect at stepping into chaos and bringing it into peace. (Copied from a friend... you may do the same.)

Patty brought me a pair of mittens that she made. They are awesome. So soft inside, and super warm. Thank you sister Patty.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Driver Girl and mom started for California to see Grandson and his new daughter and his mother Hawaii girl. Driver Girl and mom hit the road on Sunday and drove as far as Wendover Utah. Trucks, trucks, trucks on the road. Yikes.Good trip so far just lots of traffic. Our first day in California we did a little touring and searched out the Boeger Winery. Beautiful place did tasting later in the week here with Bridget and her kids.

 Mom and Baby Great Aunt and baby girl

Saturday, July 4, 2020

4h of July picnic 2020

4th of July super fun day with Shu, Patty, Dick and me. We went to Vedauwoo for a picnic and a little hike.We watched kids climbing the rocks. It brought back memories of when I was in High School.

Was an awesome day. Just as we finished our little walk it started to rain ended up rain and hail. Yikes. Glad we were done for the day and headed home.

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Look real close you will see three deer. On our way to the cabin.

 Picked upon Shurie and gas at Stonehouse.

Window out of cabin window

 Saw lots of Wyoming state flower Indian Paint Brush 

 Day before the SNOW storm. It was beautiful, warm with a little breeze. Just wonderful

Start of Snow June 8, 2020

 This is what we woke up to. Lots of snow and lots more wind.

If you look hard you can see two deer watching us.
 This was next to our last day, beautiful wonderful hot day and lots of mosquito's.
This was my catch for the day. Hee Hee he definitely was a catch and release.

Crossing a creek. "Yes we can do this!"

Road up to the cabin - look hard see the blue flowers.

Waterfall at Tugmans
Last day on our way home stopped at Tugman's lake and waterfall. 
Was a wonderful week of  visiting, Bible Study, quilting and knitting. 

  Atlie at Kim and TC ranch petting the new colt.