Saturday, June 13, 2020


Look real close you will see three deer. On our way to the cabin.

 Picked upon Shurie and gas at Stonehouse.

Window out of cabin window

 Saw lots of Wyoming state flower Indian Paint Brush 

 Day before the SNOW storm. It was beautiful, warm with a little breeze. Just wonderful

Start of Snow June 8, 2020

 This is what we woke up to. Lots of snow and lots more wind.

If you look hard you can see two deer watching us.
 This was next to our last day, beautiful wonderful hot day and lots of mosquito's.
This was my catch for the day. Hee Hee he definitely was a catch and release.

Crossing a creek. "Yes we can do this!"

Road up to the cabin - look hard see the blue flowers.

Waterfall at Tugmans
Last day on our way home stopped at Tugman's lake and waterfall. 
Was a wonderful week of  visiting, Bible Study, quilting and knitting. 

  Atlie at Kim and TC ranch petting the new colt.